Wednesday, August 14, 2013

China Cheapies vs. Other Brands

I am not going to sit here and bash "China Cheapies."  If anything, I have to admit that when I was first building my stash I had no choice financially other than to add a good amount to my stash to avoid having to buy disposable diapers.  At the time both my hubby and I were working outside the home and still struggling to make ends meet - as I know is the story with so many other families. Today, I've started transitioning many of them out of my stash.  It's not for the simple fact that they are branded "China Cheapies" it has much more to do with the quality and the fact that I feel they do not hold as much in my personal opinion when compared to my GroVia's and Best Bottoms!  Now that I am cloth diapering two baby boys it has changed my wash routine significantly but nothing I can't handle. I wash daily instead of every other day and in time as I rebuild my stash and my oldest starts to potty train it will not be an issue.  How do you, my readers, feel about "China Cheapies" - please keep it clean and not too harsh!

New to Cloth?  Want to try GroVia or Best Bottoms?  Ask me how you can save on your first purchase through me!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Newest Addition....

With the family's new addition, Cal, I am excited to announce that I have committed to cloth diapers from a much younger age than Evan was.  It is hard to believe I once thought CLOTH to be so scary.  I bought 12 diapers and literately stuffed them in the closet as I had heard so many horror stories.  Well, today, I am here to say it is much easier than many people believe.  If I can cloth so can you!!!  Join me as I try new products in the Cloth Diaper world.  I am a GroVia Cloth Advocate ask me how to save on your first order!